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Social media that ignites and unites communities

Pine Tree Commercial Realty needed authentic community engagement at the pandemic's start. The owner of dozens of neighborhood shopping plazas around the country contained hundreds of thousands of people (if not millions) on social waiting to know when, where, how, and what they could buy. So IMC created a year-long social media strategy that was both kind to those in crisis and practical for Pine Tree and its tenants to stay in business.


IMC became a conduit between local stores, health information, and neighborhood residents. Individualized neighborhood Facebook pages, advertisements, and polls listed ways to shop for their basic needs safely and published offers for takeout, medical supplies, medical notices, and event notices. In addition, social media highlighted ways neighbors could contribute by using drop-off centers and participating in socially distanced events. Finally, messaging supported businesses by shouting out companies doing exceptional jobs.

Father and son spending time together with the text that reads, "Today is Father's Day,"

The content IMC created for a year for Pine Tree helped people stay connected and informed while helping its brand gain consumer loyalty for years to come. It was an honor to help neighborhood businesses stay afloat and communities to stay socially engaged during such a crisis. 

Campaign Highlights

30% follower increase
160% more engagement
80% positive sentiment

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